Enjoy unlimited local calls with Zito Media's VoIP phone service. Stay connected to your community with no extra charges.
Connect effortlessly across the U.S. and Canada with unlimited long-distance calls from Zito Media's VoIP phone service.
Keep your existing phone number when you switch to Zito Media's VoIP service, ensuring seamless communication without updating contacts.
Stay organized with Zito Media's reliable voicemail service. Receive and manage voice messages conveniently, ensuring you never miss an important call.
Manage multiple calls effortlessly with Zito Media's call waiting feature, ensuring you stay connected without interruptions.
Identify incoming calls with Zito Media's caller ID feature, enabling informed decisions on whether to answer, enhancing call management.
Stay reachable wherever you are with Zito Media's call forwarding service, forwarding calls to another number when you're unavailable.
Experience efficiency with Zito Media's visual voicemail. View messages in a list format and prioritize which ones to listen to first, simplifying message management.
If you would like to speak to a member of the Sales Team to order services, please call our Sales Team at 1-888-995-9486 or send us an email at sales@zitomedia.com and we will reach out to you!
If you would like to speak to a Customer Service Representative, please call our Support Team at 1-800-365-6988 or you may text us at 814-200-0728 or send us an email at support@zitomedia.com